Do you remember that moment you surrender to God saying I just cant take it any more... I just cant carry on... its too much... life... pain... reality... what ever your burden was at the time was NO! Me neither I just sat there crying in self destruction wishing that my pain would just magically go away. I had forgotten I wasn't in this alone because I had felt alone and forgotten. I have these moments more than I would like to admit... more than I want. I feel overwhelmed, anxious, alone... I am human and I have a very human response to anxiety and stress... I cry, I scream, I forget that I have someone on my side, that I am not alone that God is on my side.
If you were picking sides for a team what are some of the things you would look for...
Forgiveness (maybe not from all teammates but from the Quarter Back (for you sports peeps)
Like minded
these are all human words, words that make you feel better.
Now think what God has promised you...
Sometimes remembering what God has to offer us or promised us is not easy, it takes time and it takes practice...WHAT! Why do I need to practice receiving these gift?
Look at the list...
How many of the promises do you think come easy?
You might think that this one is easy, right? I love my kids... my spouse.. my parents?
How about yourself? do you love yourself, unconditionally, Not just when you are having a good hair day or a good outfit day. Or when you have won at parenthood (Which by the way I have only done once, I have two teens now so the fact that they are alive is a win but other than that, Well.)
Joy and Peace?
(the first paragraph of this blog says it all there for me)
And if these are easy for you, truly easy please share with the rest of us!
I have been working on this since the day I found out I was going to be a mom... My mom may have said my whole life but we are not going to count pre-children because I choose to believe (and I am sure if you are a parent) you all have one child that test this on a daily sometimes by the minute basis.
Okay so I think you are seeing a pattern... these gifts need to be renewed over and over, and the fact that you may think that you can do these things on your own, first tells me once again
second tells me that you either don't believe that these are promised or do think you have to practice receiving. You have heard the term Practice makes perfect?
Well in this case it does not, don't worry the goodness is you don't have to be perfect!
And its ok if you are Human, guess what so is everyone around you!
That is why we have been given these gifts, of faith and we get a chance to practice them over and over. Not to perfect them but to reflect them.
The hardest thing to do is receive a gift sometimes...
Know this, you are not alone, you are not perfect but worth it and GOD loves you!
Now if I can remember this on a moment to moment basis I will be Okay.
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