Tonight I went to dinner with some friends, some old, some new and we talked about the things that we were thankful for. Most everyone said family, friends, God, nature, country, one even said she was thankful that they had found lice only once this week (she is the principle of an elementary school). As I sat there and thought about all the things that I am thankful for my children their health and their loving spirits are probably the things that I am most thankful for.
Since I have been a single mom I have struggled, as do many others around this time of the year, with worries that there is not going to be anything under the Christmas tree. And luckily every year some group has stepped forward and helped us out in some way or another. Well this year it is not that our financial situation has changed, we still live very modestly but the world has changed around us. There are people in far worse situations than us, and I think my children and their generous hearts have stepped up. They want to help others this year, they want to be the ones that make the difference in another persons life.
Even though our own cupboards are not as full as they have been in the past they decided that we needed to give a food bag to their school food drive, they each helped put shoebox gifts together for a child of their own age to send to another country to a child who might have never received a gift before and they are helping serve Thanksgiving dinner to some 20 senior citizens that might not get dinner if there had not been volunteers.
I know that being honest with my children when I have needed and accepted help from other is the in part why their hearts are so big. But it makes me even more grateful to everyone who has helped me in the past not just because it helped me get through some rough times but because it taught my children something some people never seem to learn...It is far better to give than to receive...I am very grateful for my children and their giving hearts.
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