Well... Things have not gone as planned this summer. But the best of plans often don't always go as planned, well unless you have a really good committee and a lot of money and a contingency plan and well there just is not one for life, so things have been thrown off a little.
Our first service project got a slow start, but went over pretty well and I want to thank everyone that helped. The kids really loved decorating the bags.
The 2nd project was to be a the month of July "Kids helping Pets" we were/are going to collect gently used towels and old newspapers and pet food donation to take to the Humane Society of Utah. We still want to do this however we are running behind , because I was ill and still am.
Next month we will be doing are final summer service project "Kids helping Schools" we are starting now to take donations for school supplies, box tops or soup labels, the best part is you can tell us were you want your donations to go, (local Utah Schools) also if you are a Target stores customer/card holder and not registered online (I don't need to know this) you can sign up so when you shop the money you spend earns your kids school or a school that you feel deserves money.
So if you can't help one way you can help another.
Thanks again for all your help and support.